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On-Demand Education

We help your employees feel comfortable to include and support transgender people inside and outside your organization, at their own convenience and pace. With our educational content, we help your organization avoid costly missteps.
Our instruction style is encouraging, clear, and simple. Besides the instruction, the course is also interspersed with reflection surveys and quizzes to assess comprehension. Each course is self-paced and consists of brief video clips of our transgender facilitators providing key information. Each course takes between 1 and 2 hours to complete.


Choose among 3 levels of on-demand education, including:


Gender Diversity Basics (GDB)

For all levels of employees and is focused on language, context, and respectful interactions among people we are meeting for the first time. This course is available in English and French.


Intermediate Gender Diversity (IGD)

For all levels of employees and covers information about how to intervene when transgender people we know face challenges from others, such as hurtful jokes, invasive questions, unrealistic expectations, and microaggressions. This course entails concrete tips and tools about when to step up and when to step back.


Gender Diversity for Managers (GDM)

For managers and leaders and covers their specific responsibilities managers have to transgender employees before, during, and after coming out as transgender at work.

A key takeaway for each course is a downloadable, fillable workbook. The workbook reinforces the essential content of the course and helps your employees develop more supportive skills.

At the end of each course, each learner receives a certificate of completion to document the education process.


For organizational use (to educate employees):

The courses are licensed one per user per course for 1 year.
You have the option between 1) hosting our education content on your Learning Management System (LMS), or 2) on TransFocus’ LMS (using Thinkific). Easy and quick transfer of content is available through SCORM files.


For personal use, purchase any of our courses here directly on Thinkific.

Need live education sessions in addition to or instead of on-demand education? Click here for more information.


User Experiences


Meet our Instructors

Kai Scott, MA

Kai is a social scientist whose nearly 20-year career has focused on solving complex social issues, including those faced by transgender people. Combining his social science research skills and his lived experiences as a transgender person, he has conducted research and delivered education on gender diversity to over 35,000 people across Canada. He uses a blend of quantitative and qualitative methods, such as surveys, focus groups, and site visits, to bring innovation to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Hélène Frohard-Dourlent, PhD

Hélène has over 10 years of experience facilitating education focused on equity and inclusion. Hélène pairs their research background with their facilitation skills to advocate for sustainable forms of systems change and education that create more inclusive and responsive organizational contexts for all people regardless of gender. Hélène is a bilingual nerd who loves talking about the emergence of non-binary language in French.


Frequently Asked Questions

A. Overall Questions

  • The base price of our course is $40 per license (which gives you 1 access to 1 course for 1 user) with a minimum purchase of $120 (i.e., 3 licenses).

    For example, purchasing 3 courses for 1 user = 3 licences = $120.

  • You can pay online with credit card or via invoice with a 30-day term.

    For the invoice method, please contact Nico (

  • Yes, we offer bulk discounts to organizations needing more than 50 licenses.

    Please contact Nico ( for more information regarding bulk discounts.

  • From the date of purchase, users will have up to 1 year to complete the course. You may choose to set a deadline for your employees shorter than 1 year.

    We can send you another estimate after 1 year if you would like to purchase additional licences.

  • Yes, we provide hands-on support through live education and strategy sessions to help you shift your organizations.

    Please visit our services page for more information or book a ½-hour meeting to discuss your needs more specifically with us.


B. Questions Specific to Transfer to Client’s LMS

  • Yes, we can license TransFocus’ educational content to your organization in an easy-to-transfer process.

  • Choose from one of two options: 1) Either we send you a SCORM file with our content, or 2) we share with you access to a folder with content for you to assemble. This includes an outline for how to assemble the course (PDF), video clips (in .mp4 or .mov), quiz questions and responses (PDF), handouts (PDF), and a guide for how to promote the course (PDF).

  • Clients who do not wish to purchase additional licenses after 1 year will delete our educational content off their LMS.


C. Questions Specific to Using TransFocus’ LMS

  • If you choose to use TransFocus’ LMS, after you purchase the on-demand product, we will set the course up for your organization and we will send you the link along with instructions on how to share with the rest of your organization.

    After you share the instructions and link with employees, employees will click on the link to the course and be prompted to create a new account. This entails them providing their first name, last name, email address and password, organization name.

    Once they have created their account, they click on "sign up," which logs them into the course and they can start it right away!

  • Once you have purchased the course, we will set it all up for you within 1 to 2 business days and then send you instructions on how your employees can access the course(s).

  • If you choose to use TransFocus’ LMS, each user that finishes 100% of the modules of the course automatically receives a Certificate of Completion in their name, the course title, and a unique certificate number along with the date it expires.

  • If you choose to use TransFocus’ LMS, this possible through a role called Group Analyst. If you wish to be a Group Analyst (to track progress of employees), contact Nico ( for more details or to set this up.

  • We are happy to help you add more users for your organization within the 1 year time frame. To do so, please contact

  • If you choose to use TransFocus’ LMS, information submitted to and collected by TransFocus on Thinkific is stored on Amazon Web Services systems outside of Canada. User names and email addresses will be collected for the purposes of (1) creation of a unique user account to access course information and (2) tracking course results and completion status.

  • If you choose to use TransFocus’ LMS, we understand organizations’ need to protect employee privacy, especially when using digital platforms whose information is stored on servers located outside Canada.

    We also know that, in British Columbia (Canada), access to these platforms is possible if users provide consent, as per Section 30.1(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 165.

    As such, when a user creates their account, they must agree to TransFocus’ Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (by checking a box after reading the documents).


Stay in Touch

We’re continuously updating and adding to our course content on gender diversity. Sign up to be among the first to know when this happens along with special deals. You’ll also receive a free sample of our course content, our 2-page Gender Primer.